Fantastic Gardeners to the Rescue – Nursery Garden Gets New Look

Last update: 2 years ago

hedge at entrance door

With spring coming to its peak, we at Fantastic Gardeners decided to take a look back at the beginning of this jolly and fresh season and at one recent good deed. The Acol Nursery in London reached out to us back in February with the little asking to help them get their outdoor gardens in order.

Acol is a nursery, located in West Hampstead. The municipality made a beautiful place with a sweet homely sensation for children to enjoy. It has an extensive outdoor area, where the children stay closer to nature and enjoy the kindness of the sun rays.

Always filled with readiness to help the local community, Fantastic Gardeners provided Acol with a general garden maintenance service – completely free, on 29th of February. What we did was spending the whole day taking care of their front and back garden spaces. We invested some time into creating several pretty flower beds.

The whole process took two sessions happening over several days. First off, we did the “heavy lifting” – pruning, trimming, weeding. Our second visit was all about making it pretty – building the flower beds and compositions. Take a look below at the step-by-step procedure from the 1st day, that turned the overgrowing hedges and ivy plants into a beautiful and opened domesticated garden.

First impressions

fantastic gardeners bus

Arriving on the spot, we could already witness that the job won’t go very lightly – event the hedges at the entrance had to be trimmed to open up the window poster with the name of the establishment.

Let’s get to business

Fantastic Gardeners pruning and weeding

We started with tidying up the back garden. There was this gloomy shrub that needed pruning and saving from the clutches of a poison ivy. As a matter of fact, so did the fence, too.

gardener removes ivy

After some hefty weeding, all we had left was to clean the debris.

Cleared garden and gardening tools

Taking some deserved break – the ivy is gone, the weeds are forgotten. But the lonely bush looked like it needed some company. This boring rectangle square of dirt was going to take a new outlook in the following days.

In between

cleared out back alley from leaves and slugs

There were lots of unwanted habitants here in the alley that connects both the front and back yard: leaves and grass, and sluggish dwellers. Let’s get them sorted out!

cleared out back alley from leaves and slugs

Voilà – no trace of leafy trash!

Frontal attack

Here we trimmed the front hedge and prepped the soil for our next visit.

entrance of Acol Nursery hedge

There was one more important thing we had to do the first day. The outdoor sign of the nursery was completely hidden behind the overgrown frontal hedge. Let’s cut off some branches!

front hedge after

However, that was only half the job done. Stay tuned for our complete makeover of Acol Nursery greenery, that’s coming up next week!

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