Everyone wants to have a place of peace and silence where they can be alone with their thoughts or even not think at all. And what better spot than a calm, beautiful garden. However, nowadays, achieving much-needed solitude is becoming harder and harder, especially if you’re surrounded by nosy and curious neighbours. In this article, […]
Author - Fantastic Gardeners Team
Are you dreaming of an exotic garden full of flowers with hard-to-pronounce names that will awe your guests? An understandable dream. But most exotic green life is not meant to grow in the UK’s weather conditions. However, below we have prepared a list of tropical plants that can live in your area’s climate and thrive […]
It’s Christmas time! You have probably bought your Christmas tree already or you’re waiting for it to be delivered to your door and installed as well. Getting your house into the festive Christmas mood is the fun part of the holiday.
Hesitating between a polytunnel and a greenhouse? Both types of structures are used for growing a wide variety of crops and flowers. People usually wonder which one to choose as both constructions serve the same purpose.