Author - Fantastic Gardeners Team

Landscaping Job From The Bottom To The Top

fantastic gardeners landscaping project

When it comes to overall enhancement of your garden on a more strategic level, your best solution will arguably be a landscaping one. Sure, throwing in some pretty plants in the back yard is certainly necessary, but you can hardly beat the blend of emotions, sizes and shapes that a fully executed landscaping project gives […]

Slug-Free Sanctuary: Strategies to Get Rid of Slugs and Keep Them Away

Woman getting rid of slugs in the garden

Slugs are acclaimed agricultural pests, but it’s a little-known fact that there exists another, more controversial theory. It claims that the sluggish unwanted dwellers attack plants with rotting spots, caused by pathogen sponges, whereas the snails happen to be the surgical doctors, removing the sick matter. You haven’t thought about them in that light, right? […]