For generations, gardening has been a popular pastime in the UK. Regardless of whether it is an ornamental or vegetable garden, the act of sculpting the land around us to create our very own oasis of tranquillity provides a sense of comforting accomplishment, as well as a great way to express creativity and individuality.However, gardeners across the country must remain vigilant as there are many threats which seek to destroy our hard work. These forces of gardening darkness come in the form of pests and diseases. We have written about garden pests and how to deal with them before, so be sure to check our blog if there are any critters feasting on your garden. It is now time to arm yourself with the knowledge to identify and treat a common garden disease - box blight.
Author - Fantastic Gardeners Team
If there’s one thing which can help your garden stand out from all the rest, it’s a neatly kept and luscious green lawn. Grass is a fragile family of plants and as such requires a great deal of care and patience. If everything is done right, it will grow to become an incredible sight to behold. That’s why it’s important to have basic knowledge of how to take care of your lawn. For that reason, we’ve prepared a handy-dandy lawn care calendar just for you.
Ants. Love them or hate them, it is undeniable that they are amazing creatures. With large, complex societies, fungus-farming techniques and an empire which almost spans the entire globe, it is a blessing that they are so small and have not yet developed an overwhelming collective intelligence.
Gardening has long been a quintessential British pastime. The popularity of television programmes, such as Ground Force (for those that remember the glory of this show) and Gardener’s World, are a testament to our gardening heritage. With the rise in popularity of talent shows and minor celebrities’ ballroom dancing, we started to forget our love […]
Regardless of whether you are just starting your gardening journey or are already a gardening pro, the question of how to stop detrimental pests from destroying your hard work will inevitably arise.