
Plantastic Facts, Flower Info and More

How to Take Care of Orchids

how to take care of orchids

Are you interested in growing orchids but feel a bit intimidated? Don’t worry! Orchids are beautiful, exotic flowers that can add a touch of luxury to any home. Although they have a reputation for being difficult to care for, many varieties of orchids are easy to grow with just a little knowledge.

[Infographic] Lawn Care Calendar

Lawn Care Calendar

If there’s one thing which can help your garden stand out from all the rest, it’s a neatly kept and luscious green lawn. Grass is a fragile family of plants and as such requires a great deal of care and patience. If everything is done right, it will grow to become an incredible sight to behold. That’s why it’s important to have basic knowledge of how to take care of your lawn. For that reason, we’ve prepared a handy-dandy lawn care calendar just for you.

11 Blooming Flowers for Your October Wedding Bouquet

october blooming flowers

Now that October is here, you must be busy with the essential gardening jobs for this autumn month. For most people, this time of the year is especially pleasing because of the cooler nights, warm sunny days, and pretty autumn foliage. Others have picked precisely this month for their wedding celebrations. Interestingly, there are plenty […]