Regardless of whether you are just starting your gardening journey or are already a gardening pro, the question of how to stop detrimental pests from destroying your hard work will inevitably arise.
Know How
Practical Tips, Expert Advice for Gardening Success
If you’re anything like us, then you love your dog and want to include them in as many of your daily activities as possible. Every dog owner has experienced the joy, frustration, and laughter caused by our four-legged friends who decide to help us complete a task and, in most cases, create even more chaos […]
Spring is finally here and so is warmer weather, as well as the urge to open every window to let fresh air inside your home once again. For one in five people in the UK, however, the latter presents a dilemma.As most hay fever sufferers know, the beginning of each year becomes an internal struggle between the desire to welcome the fresh spring air with open windows and the knowledge that, as soon as you do so, your home will be invaded by sneeze-inducing pollen. Usually, the longing to dispel stale air wins the battle and your home becomes a minefield of pollen, which patiently floats midair waiting to trigger an allergic response. To help you overcome this predicament, we have put together a list of ways to minimise the amount of pollen which enters your home.
While the advent of Spring is welcomed by most people, for a significant portion of the population season change brings only dread. Bags and pockets will be filled with extra packets of tissues and allergy medicine. That’s right, hay fever season is here and with it come the usual blocked or runny noses, watery eyes, […]
Ask a gardener of any skill level what the hardest part of having a garden is and they will all tell you the same thing – getting rid of weeds. Invasive plants are everywhere and it’s no wonder why we have so many commercial weed killers on the market. However, synthetic pesticides pose a threat to children and pets if swallowed. Fortunately, there’s quite a lot of ways to get rid of weeds naturally. Some of these eco-friendly methods include...