There’s no doubt that every country in Europe is famous for something – they have their own national symbols like flags, dishes, alcoholic beverages, animals, sports etc. But have you ever thought about the national flowers of European countries? Every country on the Old Continent has its own floral emblem that represents their unique identity. Some of […]
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Gardening for some provides the daily bread, for others, it’s an escape from reality and for you, it might be your favourite hobby. Nevertheless, a garden decorated to your own preferences will act as a source of inspiration and will provide you a place to gather up your thoughts. In order to set you on […]
With over 30% of Brits admitting their mother is the most important person in their life and half coming to realise they are indeed turning into their mums, it's no surprise we don't scrimp around Mother's Sunday. If we let figures speak for themselves, it becomes quite evident what an important meaning we ascribe to this celebration – every year, we send over 30 million Happy Mother's Day cards and spend one and a half billion pounds on flowers and presents such as jewellery, beauty products, and gardening tools.
Plants such as holly, ivy, and mistletoe had been used in celebrations long before the advent of Christianity and the Christmas celebrations we know today. Evergreens were used to ward off evil spirits and celebrate new growth during the Winter Solstice Festival as early as ancient times.
Rainy weather can dampen the enthusiasm of any gardener. They say that God created rainy days so gardeners could do all of the house work. If you are one of those green thumbs that are stuck at home due to bad weather, here are 12 inspiring gardening quotes to keep your spirits up: