Tag - list

Natural Weed Killers You Should Use in Your Garden

Natural Weed KIllers Banner

Ask a gardener of any skill level what the hardest part of having a garden is and they will all tell you the same thing – getting rid of weeds. Invasive plants are everywhere and it’s no wonder why we have so many commercial weed killers on the market. However, synthetic pesticides pose a threat to children and pets if swallowed. Fortunately, there’s quite a lot of ways to get rid of weeds naturally. Some of these eco-friendly methods include...

11 Blooming Flowers for Your October Wedding Bouquet

october blooming flowers

Now that October is here, you must be busy with the essential gardening jobs for this autumn month. For most people, this time of the year is especially pleasing because of the cooler nights, warm sunny days, and pretty autumn foliage. Others have picked precisely this month for their wedding celebrations. Interestingly, there are plenty […]

17 Poisonous Plants In Your Garden

poisonous plants in your garden infographic

The abundance of beautiful and well-grown houseplants gives a special sense of comfort at home. Apart from being pleasing to the eye, some house plants have the ability to purify the air quality. However, if you turn your home into a full-size botanical garden, you might do yourself bad favour, as some common house and […]

24 Plants that Repel Insects


Plants have unique natural abilities to emit different chemical substances. With them they repel or attract specific insects. Flowers bring a pretty sight and a pleasant fragrance for us. However, for pests they often pose a life threat. That’s why such plants can perfectly serve as a replacement for the synthetic insecticides, as long as […]