What brings the biggest joy to a person is seeing they helped someone be happy, too. In Fantastic Gardeners’ case, it was the creation of a spot for the children of the Acol Nursery school to play, explore and feel more homely. In our previous session we set the stage for the stars of the show to appear – it was already March and it was high time for flowers to march forward.
The extra February day was adequately filled with the “heavy duty” preparations. Spending the whole day clearing out both gardens wasn’t the easiest job, but it was well worth it. Then, a few weeks later, it was high time to finish our job with sowing several pretty flowers and veggies. With depicting visual photos and general information on how take care of the individual flower, the kids will have plenty to learn in the future.
An always on-topic issue is that being aware of your own environment and surroundings is one of the tricky life skills that are especially difficult to learn when you aren’t close with nature. Acol children’s school, however, will be able to fix that by having a new pretty garden that will teach the kids to be responsible, to grow plants on their own and to raise their overall confidence levels high.
After all, it is something that you managed to nurture and grow on your own that will show you how to care for things.
Ready for the second part of our big Acol Nursery Garden project? Let’s dig in!
Prepping the grounds
In order to plant the new flowers we had in mind, the soil needed to be taken care of.
More fertilized soil for the pretty welcoming “hosts” in front of the building.
Let’s move to the back
Here we have already laid the scheme on which kinds of flowers we will plant and how to situate them. A bit of digging in the fresh soil and the flower beds started popping up.
Certainly a meticulous job, flower bed preparation is a crucial step on the way to having good-looking, vigorous flowers. Enriching the soil with different kinds of natural compost and all-purpose fertilizers is key to having success here.
Once you plant the beds, make sure to watch over the flowers closely during the first several weeks, since their root system will be too fragile.
The happy end of the story
Our aim was achieved – the creation of a beautiful place for the children to exercise their indigenous gardening skills. Over the next few days the flowers and plants will liven up and fill the air with a delightful spirit!